Tag Archives: excuses

It’s Mine And You Can’t Have It!

Give it! It’s mine! You can’t have it! I scream on the inside as I wrestle with God about the thing I don’t want to give up. On the outside I look like I have it all together, but sometimes I revert back to a snotty, spoiled and winey child. I want it my way. […]

Christians Don’t Tell Lies, They Sing Them:

Ouch! That’s all I could think as I listened to Trevor Walker address the crowd at Clover Hill in Richmond. “Christians don’t Tell Lies, They Sing Them” Trevor is an incredibly dynamic and talented worship leader. He is one of those guys that just radiates energy when he’s on stage. This time though, he was […]

3 ways to get more Sizzle and less Fizzle:

1. Don’t overwork: As hard as it may be. Don’t overdo it. No one is going to give you a metal for never taking a vacation. When you don’t take enough time off, you burn out and your employer will appreciate you less. Taking time off will allow you to reboot, refresh and be more […]

10 things I learned from writing 100 Blog posts:

This is my 100th Blog post. I’ve been writing for over 2 years to get here and there are a multitude of things I’ve learned along the way. I thought this was as good a time as any to share a few so here it goes: 1. I’m not as good of a writer as […]

Why having a job makes you one OF 10,000 but having passion makes you one IN 10,000:

The willingness to work will get you a job. A job that probably could be done by 10,000 other people. Unfortunately, that job is only secure if you are willing to accept less money than any of the other 10,000 people. Passion is different. Passion it what makes you attractive to employers. Passion makes you indispensable. It secures your job, […]

Make The Most Of Yourself:

Make the most of yourself,  for that is all there is of you.  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

10 secrets you already know about your Kids

1. There will be crying, especially in public 2. There will be huge diaper blow outs. 3. They always prefer cookies over carrots. 4. Other parents will think their kids are cuter. 5. Other parent are wrong. 6. Parenting is easier in theory than in reality. 7. Your relationships will set the tone for their […]

Our Intentions And Their Actions:

“We often judge ourselves by our intentions but others by their actions.” – Andy Andrews This is so true for me. More true than I’d like to admit. There are people who I disagree with, people who have hurt me and people who see the world differently than I do. I judge all of them […]

10 secrets you already know about loving your job:

1. Complaining will only make things worse. 2. The more you help others, the happier you will be. 3. You don’t “need” coffee. 4. Respect is reciprocated and rarely freely given. 5. The best way to be a leader is to serve others (without keeping score). 6. If you hate your job, make up your […]

Why Untried Freedom Is Worse Than Bondage:

Freedom is only freedom if you choose to exercise it. If you choose to remain in bondage, never taking hold of the freedom you’ve been granted you will suffer the same fate as someone who has no freedom at all. Thats like jumping out of an air plane with a perfectly good parachute strapped to […]