Yep, I got stuck in a kiddie slide…

Recently  I took my daughter to the park. When we arrived there were a number of kids playing and having a good time. Kendall saw an open swing and made a B line for it. It wasn’t long before the park cleared out and it was just the two of us. We had so much fun just swinging and talking. I hold those moments so near and dear.

swing 1

Once Kendall got tired of swinging, she decided to do a little sliding. She loves the slide and is usually pretty content to play by herself. But this time she wanted to see daddy go down the slide. I tried to refuse her, but she’s pretty cute. After all, no one was around… What could go wrong?

I sat down at the top of the slide and noticed that it seemed smaller then I remember it being when I was a kid… I mean when I was a kid these things seemed so big. Somehow, I shimmied myself in the top of the slide and prepared to show Kendall how fast I could go. I started counting, 1! 2! By this time Kendall was counting along with me. I was prepared to blow her mind and probably set a Guinness World Record in the process.

Together, Kendall and I yelled, 3!!! I leaned back, pushed off and ended up stuck in the turn… A little embarrassed and even more concerned that I was really stuck, I did the only thing I could do to get out.

I had to Twerk my way out….

swing 2

Not proud of what I did but I am happy the Fire Dept didn’t have to be called to get me out…

What do you think???