You, yes YOU! Are a Salesperson!

When people think of a salesperson there are many things that could come to mind. Often times it’s an image of a greasy, greedy & otherwise grimy overweight man with slicked back hair manipulating people to buy a used car. In some cases, this may be true but guess what? That guy is not a salesperson, he is a manipulator. You on the other hand are a salesperson. It makes no difference what line of work you’re in or what you think about salespeople in general, you are in the profession of selling.

If you have ever asked someone out on a date, you are in sales.

If you have ever gone on a job interview, you are in sales.

If you are a person of Faith and you shared your beliefs with someone else, you are in sales.

If you have ever tried to persuade your parents to let you stay out past curfew, you are in sales.

If you are married, you are definitely in sales…

“Selling is not what you do to a person, it’s what you do for a person”

-Zig Ziglar

I have a daughter and I plan to sell and persuade her that eating healthy, exercising regularly, trying her best in school and making good decisions is best for her. What kind of father would I be if I didn’t? I want to sell and persuade my wife that I love her and want the best for her. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t? I want to sell and persuade my boss that I am competent enough to be promoted to the next position. What kind of employee would I be if I didn’t? If I am not able to persuade the people in my life that I want and need to persuade, I expect that I’ll end up with a pretty unfulfilled life.

“It’s not what you do or say that matters, it’s how the message is received that counts”

Being able to get your point across and effectively communicate with people is in my opinion the most important skill anyone could possibly have. Studying the principles of selling will dramatically help you become a better communicator and increase your chances of getting your point across to others.

Click here to hear us discuss this topic on the Douglas Stewart Podcast.



  1. Thanks Douglas! You are right. We are all in sales! I love the Zigler quote!

    1. Zig is the man! Thanks for the comment Pete!

  2. You’re the Master Blogger, Awesome post! Just so you know I now live in Atlanta and I’m with my old companyRainsoft Water Treatment. Keep up the good work, Rob

    1. Rob, Thats awesome! Atlanta is a great city. Thanks for the comment. Have a great day and keep up the great work on!

  3. Douglas, I enjoyed the article. I look at my job as helping clients make the right choice. In every business there are the manipulators. They make it difficult for the customer to trust those of us who are not. Have a blessed day.

    Mel Opp

    1. Mel Opp, Very true. Thank you for your comment. Have a great day!

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