Friday Free For All: The Power of the Juggle

Today’s Freestyle Friday contributing author is Merideth Stewart. Enjoy! – Douglas ________________________________________________________________________________


How many people have so much on their plate, they feel that they need a few extra hours to get it done every day? I see all of your heads nodding yes. Ok good, so I am not alone. I am a Chief Operative Officer (COO). Impressed? I know it’s quite the title and comes with great responsibility. I am the COO of my house! I basically run the ship that is called the Stewart household. Every morning, early morning mind you, I have a beautiful 9 month old that is ready to play. She hits the ground running. Therefore I do to! But at the end of the day I have a happy well fed family. You may be thinking oh well she doesn’t have reports to do or deadlines or a boss to satisfy. Well, in the traditional sense I don’t, but if I don’t do my work, bellies will be hungry and we would be running around the house naked. It takes organization and focus to get it done. So I do have deadlines! I set up my days, just like I did when I was working a 9 to 5. Mondays and Tuesdays are errand days and catching up from the weekend. Wednesday are grocery days and laundry day. Thursday is clean the house day. And Friday is activity/fun day for my daughter. Now keep in mind, those are not the only things I do on those days. Yes, I go to the grocery store on Wednesday. But I also make sure my daughter is fed, napped and happy as well as supporting my husband and getting myself taken care of. It’s a lot to juggle. But this is my basic structure of my day. I keep a tight schedule and it makes my “business” run smoothly and efficiently. We know what to expect and everyone is happy. I am a firm believer in keeping a tight yet flexible schedule. Remember all that stuff on the plate I asked you about? It’s all in how you juggle them. Every day has a different focus for me to accomplish a goal. Within my day, I know what needs to get done and I just do it. I believe that being disciplined in your day to day truly makes a world of difference. It limits chaos and stress. I strive for my home to be a place of peace and comfort, which is no easy task. There are so many factors in the day that can really throw a wrench in your juggling. Being focused and a little flexible can go a long way. I encourage you out there, whether a stay at home parent or an executive of a company, to stay focused at the task at hand. Work at becoming a professional juggler, so when other things come your way you are equipped and can handle whatever it is. Don’t underestimate the power of the juggle!

…….He looked at her bewildered and asked, ‘What happened here today?’ She again smiled and answered, ‘You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world do I do all day?… ”Yes,” was his incredulous reply.. She answered, ‘Well, today I didn’t do it.’

Learn more about Merideth, Click Here


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